CONTRAS become SUN Group and start recruiting members
At the end of the 1995 season those representatives who took up the banner on behalf of nudists
got together and formed a group called Studland United Nudists (SUN) with the aim of protecting the continued interests of nudists at Studland bay and Heathland.
The following message invited new members to join:
If you are concerned about the latest restrictions and the future of the
established area used by nudists and wish to be represented on a permanent
basis, all you have to do is complete the form below and return it to your SUN
representative or post it with a stamped addressed envelope to SUN [Membership
Secretary's home address]. You will then be registered as a member and be
issued with a SUN badge, which can be pinned on your sun hat, shirt or whatever.
This is a non-profit group and all contributions received will be used solely
to cover administration costs."
Membership was just £1.