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SUN Campaign History - Nov 1995

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Inaugural General Meeting of Studland United Nudists
3rd Nov 95

SUN Group sets out objectives and principals

An initial meeting, on a bitterly cold night on 3rd November, was attended by about fifty people and the terms of reference were agreed as follows:

Objectives of Studland United Nudists

  1. To protect the established use of Studland Beach and Heath for the free practice of naturism;
  2. To represent all nudists, irrespective of status, in discussions with the National Trust and English Nature as management of the area;
  3. To promote the enjoyment of social nudism at Studland and at other locations as may be from time to time decided by the membership;
  4. To attempt to resolve, by negotiation and discussion, any areas of dispute or difficulty arising from the use of Studland Beach and Heath by nudists.

Various other procedural matters were agreed, and the meeting ended in optimistic mood.

Main principles on which we founded our agenda

Our Articles of Purpose were established at the IGM and are set out  here. The main principles on which we have founded our agenda are as follows:

  • Nudism has been practised at Studland, on the heath, in the dunes and latterly on the beach, since the early years of this century. There can be no surrender of this long-held right, which predates the involvement of either the National Trust or English Nature, or of the long-accepted limitation of the tree line.
  • Neither the National Trust or English Nature has any right to impose such restrictions as they have attempted.
  • We do not recognise their red post "boundary" which, as the National Trust's own lawyers have told them, is not legally enforceable.
  • Their attempts to "enforce" it, by bullying and harassing nudists, are a bluff. Let's call their bluff!!
  • Nudity is not an offence in English law, and the National Trust's employees have no authority to order nudists either to dress or to move inside the red posts.

Our advice to members is to carry on using the entire nudist area, right the way back to the tree line, as you have always done


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