European Community?
June 2000
Dear SUN,
It is so sad to see that the fight is still going on. Are these
National Trust p****s
and their followers such prudes? We think not: it's the old "I'm bigger
than you and if you don't play my way, I will throw my dummy out of my pram and
everyone will feel sorry for me, so there?" attitude.
Over here and, as Señor Freeman says in his "Wake Up!" article,
in the rest of Europe, the number of public places where people can enjoy being
naked is increasing rapidly. Along our coastline here we are quite often
finding, or being told of, new beaches, many of them signposted on the main
roads "Playa Naturista". During the summer (which, by the way, was not
as hot as last year - only four days, one in June, two in July and one in August
when the temperature was over 100°F) we were on the ordinary textile beach
at Torra Costa with some friends and they were in the sea playing with our
inflatable dinghy. Idiot that Pedro is, he had forgotten to take trunks (didn't
know where they were, anyway!) so asked if they minded him joining them naked.
No objection, and apart from a few quizzical looks from Joe Public there was no
complaint, certainly no police or Proteccion Civil marching up, and definitely
no National Trust!
Many of the adverts on Spanish TV feature naked, some full frontal, women and
some have featured naked men. At the moment, an advert for O.N.C.E., the lottery
mainly for the sight impaired, features a very pregnant naked young lady sitting
on a beach with a voiceover about life into
old age. There seems to be no cut and dried watershed, so children see sex
scenes (although not too explicit - these are broadcast late at night and carry
a warning) in films at any time of the day, so they and adults are used to
nakedness. This has not led to a great increase in perversion, which seems to be
what people like the National Trust expect.
Our local beach has been full this past season. This is a real naturist
beach, where you have to be naked to get served with a meal or a drink in the
restaurant. The camp site, now complete and with a large swimming pool, has been
very well patronised despite not being fully advertised yet. At least three
English families from the camp have either bought or are building houses - one
family has made several journeys back and forth to England, bringing their
belongings and getting their English house sold. Further along the coast to the
east there are more naturist beaches, although you have to put a cossy on to
eat. But the food is very good and the sea is crystal clear with fish swimming
very close inshore, which makes snorkelling a must! At the time of writing (21
December '99) it is too cold to go anywhere without a thick jumper - Jen is
sitting here with three woolly pullys on and still complaining of the cold! It's
definitely not true to say it is always hot in Spain. It has been down to
3°C on a few nights and, having been recording the temperature for a full
year, we can tell you that it is colder now than at the same time last year! As
soon as it is warm enough for the beach, we will send you an update, but that's
all for now so Feliz Navidad y un próspero año 2000 to all members of
Jen and Pedro Groves
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