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Letters to SUN

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When a society which is supposedly disturbed by nudism has a film entitled The Spy who Shagged Me

December 1999

Dear SUN,

I was interested in Stanley's account of his visit to the Ile du Levant. I read an article years ago which referred to girls going topless before the boat docked and naked soon after - what's happening? Does this imply that we should be less tolerant of "clothing optional" while "our areas" are restricted artificially, and should we agitate to have clothed voyeurs (like the family described by Barry Freeman) asked to move to "their" section? 

The only poems I have written with reference to nakedness might not be suitable for The Bare Essentials. I like to propagandise by sneaking in "Latecomers" or "Free Beach" at our writing group readings which are to Women's Institutes, etc., and they go down well, and "Behold" has been published but not read at the WI because of a strange opinion by my fellow writers who thought middle-aged women might not be too taken with it - contrary to my assessment. In fact the Ryleston WI, who posed nude for their calendar in aid of Leukaemia Research, thought "Behold' and "Free Beach' were lovely. (The Ryleston calendar can be obtained from Jennings Bros Brewery, Cockermouth, costing £6 inc. postage.)

I tend to read "Skindeep" and suchlike only at general public readings where, like textiles on a nuddy beach, if the audience takes offence there'll just be less at the next meeting, and nothing is off limits (e.g. "Someone has Stolen my Vagina" - not one of mine, this was written by a Canadian poetess). I have not yet observed anyone leave in disgust, although how could they when a society which is supposedly disturbed by nudism has a film entitled The Spy who Shagged Me? I leave it to you.

Ron Kermode

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